


MONTRÉAL COMPLÈTEMENT CiRQUE is a Festival that brings people together across the city every July with a stunning circus program. For 11 days, Montreal moves to the rhythm of circus arts. Its venues, streets, parks, and sidewalks become stages to showcase colourful, high-flying performances from here and around the world. An event not to be missed, MONTRÉAL COMPLÈTEMENT CiRQUE presents diversity in all its forms and expressions by creating moments where the most talented artists from the circus world come together to perform. Created in 2010, it is the result of a collective dream that brings together TOHU—the project’s driving force—along with the support of Cirque Éloize, Les7 doigts de la main, Cirque du Soleil, the National Circus School, and En Piste. Together, they pooled their expertise, resources and will to create the first North American international festival dedicated to circus arts.

TOHU, the driving force behind the Festival

Located at the heart of the Cité des arts du cirque, TOHU is a place of diffusion, creation, experimentation, and convergence between culture (CIRCUS), environment (EARTH) and community involvement (HUMAN). Since its inception in 2004, it has become a world reference for sustainable development. 

A shining example—here and beyond 

TOHU and MONTRÉAL COMPLÈTEMENT CiRQUE contribute to Montreal status as an international capital of circus arts, and participate to the incredible rise of Quebec’s circus scene by offering programming that allows the province to truly shine.

Recognition of the territory

La TOHU recognizes that we are on an unceded indigenous territory that is thousands of years old, the site of encounters and diplomacy between peoples and of the Great Peace Treaty.


The INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY CIRCUS MARKET (MICC), created in 2015 following a TOHU’s initiative, brings together over 200 professionals from the circus world circus during MONTREAL COMPLÈTEMENT CiRQUE. This 4-day event dedicated to conferences, workshops, meetings and discoveries contributes to highlight contemporary circus arts from here and elsewhere.


We are proud to have been awarded the Scène écoresponsable - Grade or, the highest level of accreditation!
Environmental tours, waste management, water and energy savings, digital sobriety, food, social commitment, SD committee... we are developing as many initiatives as possible to ensure we have a positive impact on our environment.
Circus - Earth - Human: that's our mission. From small everyday gestures to the integration of sustainable development into our governance, we multiply our efforts to honor it.
Thank you to all our employees, suppliers and partners who make this mission a reality! And congratulations to our other accredited partners!